The Film In a Whisper directed by Heidi Hassan and Patricia Perez wins the IDFA Award for Best Feature-Length Documentary at the International Documentary Film Festival IDFA Amsterdam. Jury’s feedbacks : “A refreshing expression of womanhood; an ode to loss; a celebration of friendship, will, and vulnerability; a reclaiming of hope...
A new very good news ! After the Best Music Score Award at the FIMUCITE Festival The original Score of Thierry Robert & Rémy Marion film “The Superpowers of the bear” is nominated at the Jerry Goldsmith Awards in Best Music for a Documentary Category.
New Nomination following the Best Music Award at FIMUCITE Festival : The Original Score of the Thierry Robert & Rémy Marion’s film “The Superpowers of the Bear” is selected at the International Sound & Film Music Festival on the Best Documentary Music Score. A prestigious selection with some great talents...
The original Soundtrack of the film “The Superpowers of the bear” directed by Thierry Robert and Rémy Marion wons the Best Music Award at the FIMUCITE 2019 International Film Music Festival at Tenerife. Another big thank you to my partners who worked on it : Eric Michon, Cezame Music Agency,...
Recording session for the Soundtrack of the feature film “In a Whisper” directed by Patricia Perez and Heidi Hassan. Still a pleasure to collaborate with such great musicians : Leïla Olivesi – Piano Manu Codjia – Guitars Damian Nueva – Electric bass Patricia Cadaveira – Saxophone Marcel Pascual Royo...